Roost Home – Boutique Furniture Store Offering Professional Interior Design Services
I really love my job! I love what I do mostly because I enjoy making friends! Designing interior spaces required lots of close conversations with my clients. I would say that my specialty is working through challenges, listening closely to the needs of each family, and finding clever solutions to maximize the use of each room. My storefront in Maryville, ROOST, offers my clients insight into product that is carefully selected to promote a casual and elegant lifestyle. ROOST represents a clever mix. It is a home furnishings store with a causal flair brought to life by a distinct designer vibe. The tagline of the store is, “Come HOME to ROOST,”… I personally invite you to come and see why so many happy clients have done just that!
-Paula Osborn, Owner

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Living Rooms


Dining Rooms
Roost - Interior Design
109 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN 37804
Phone 865-984-4100 : Email info@roosthome.com
Tuesday thru Friday 10am - 5:30pm
Saturday 10am - 2:00pm